Is Sweden In Europe? Everything You Need To Know

Updated March 2022 | Written By Johanneskallman

Sweden is located in Northern Europe and is a part of the European Union (EU) since 1995. It is also a member of the Schengen Area, which allows for passport-free travel between countries.

It shares a border with Norway to the west, Finland to the east and Denmark to the south - making up what's called Scandinavia. Even though Sweden's population is small, the actual landmass of Sweden makes it one of Europe's biggest countries.

Sweden and The European Union (EU)

Whether or not Sweden might ever leave the EU is a hot topic of debate, with some people in favour and others against it. The country has always had a strong tradition of being independent and self-sufficient, which might be one reason why some are in favour of a so-called 'Swexit'. However, the majority view of Swedes is still favourable toward the EU with a relatively low chance of leaving it.

The Swedish Currency

Despite being a part of the European Union, Sweden's official currency is the Swedish Krona (SEK) and not the euro as they remain outside of the eurozone agreement. Back in 2003, Sweden held a referendum where the population decided not to adopt the single currency, but to keep the Swedish Krona.

What Does The Swedish Flag Look Like?

The Swedish flag is in the shape of a yellow cross against a blue background and looks like this:

what does the swedish flag look like

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Sweden is located in Europe, is a part of the EU and shares borders with other European countries. However, it has always remained independent and has its own currency. The topic of whether Sweden will remain in the EU or not is still up for debate.

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