The Top 5 Old Swedish Children’s Cartoons & Shows To Watch For Free

Updated January 2022 | Written By Johanneskallman

If you're looking for some children's cartoons that are both fun and educational, look no further than Sweden! The Swedes have produced some great children's shows over the years, and we've compiled a list of our favourites.

From stories about trolls to tales of everyday life, these cartoons will keep your kids (and you) entertained while they learn something new.

So sit back, relax, and let the Swedish cartoons take you on a journey!

The Top 5 Swedish Children's Cartoons & Shows

1. Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstockings)


Number one on our list has to be Pippi Longstockings. This cartoon is based on the popular children's book series by Astrid Lindgren, and follows the adventures of nine-year-old Pippi and her friends Tommy and Annika. The show is full of humour and excitement and teaches children about friendship, loyalty, and bravery.

You can watch Pippi Långstrmp at SVTplay for free here!

2. Lilla Spöket Laban (The Little Ghost Laban)


Lilla Spöket Laban is another great children's show. It follows the adventures of a young ghost named Laban, who lives in an old castle with his friends. The show is full of excitement and adventure, and children will love following Laban as he explores the castle and learns about life.

You can watch Lilla Spöket Laban at SVTplay for free here!

3. Pettson och Findus (Pettson and Fíndus)

pettson och findus old classic swedish childrens cartoon

Pettson och Fíndus is a cartoon about a farmer named Pettson and his cat, Findus. The two friends live together on a farm, and each episode follows their adventures as they try to solve problems or help each other out. This show is great for children who are interested in animals, as it teaches them about responsibility, friendship, and working together.

You can watch Pettson & Findus at SVTplay for free here!

4. Karlsson På Taket (The Flying Karlsson)

karlsson på taket best swedish childrens cartoon show

Karlsson på taket is a cartoon about a little man named Karlsson who lives on the roof of an apartment building. He has a flying machine that he uses to fly around the city, and he often gets into adventures with his friend. This show is great for children who are interested in science and technology, as it teaches them about invention and creativity.

You can watch Karlsson på taket at Viaplay here!

5. Bamse (Bamse)


Bamse is a cartoon about a bear named Bamse who lives in the forest with his friends. The show follows Bamse and his friends as they go on adventures and learn about life. This show is great for children who are interested in nature, as it teaches them about cooperation, respect, and friendship.

You can watch Bamse at SVTplay for free here!

In Conclusion

These are just a few of the great Swedish children's cartoons that are available. So if you're looking for some fun and educational children's entertainment, be sure to check out these shows! Your kids will love them!

What are your favourite Swedish children's cartoons? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to like and share this post if you found it helpful! Thanks for reading! 🙂

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