Having a working phone is obviously something that you'd want to get sorted out as soon as possible when moving to Sweden. However, finding the right fit for your needs can be hard, as there are a lot of different options on the Swedish market.
In this guide, we've ranked and reviewed the 10 best mobile data plans, along with our top 3 choices, so that you can pick the right option for you.
Hallon is your number one choice for a relieable, cheap and comprehensive data plan.
Vimla! is the best choice for anyone looking for a great cheap choice of data plans.
ChiliMobil is the choice for anyone looking for unlimited surf at the cheapest price.
Pre-paid SIM Cards VS a Phone Data Subscription
The first thing you need to decide is whether you want a pre-paid SIM card or a phone data subscription. If you already have a Swedish phone number, it's easiest to go for a subscription, as it will be tied to that number and not your physical SIM card. However, if you don't have a Swedish number yet or you want to switch providers, a pre-paid SIM card might be the better option.
Generally, if you plan on spending a long time in Sweden, a Swedish mobile plan is your best choice, both in terms of service and costs. If you are planning a shorter trip to Sweden, a pre-paid SIM-card will most likely be your best bet.
However, this guide is focused on comparing the best mobile data plans, with the goal of giving you two simple, but important takeaways:
- How to pick the best data plan for you.
- How to save the most money at checkout with the most significant discounts.
So let's get started.
The Best Mobile Data Plan In Sweden
1. Hallon
Best Phone Plan Overall
Hallon is our number #1 choice when it comes to choosing a mobile operator in Sweden as they provide you with simple plans at a competitive price.
Best For:
Value-driven Customers
From 99 kr/month
Hallon is one of the most popular phone operators in Sweden as it offers competitive data plans at a reasonable cost - without any hassle. Becuase of this, it's popularity has grown with each year as they continue to deliver these services to a growing population each year.
If you are someone who's primary concern is the pricing compared to the amount of data you get each month, hallon is defintily the right choice for you. For anyone considering a plan with less than 50 GB os data a month, hallon will most likely always be your most compettitive choice in terms of pricing.
The only downside to using hallon is the lack of support over the phone. However, they do offer live support via chatt or email.
Key Features:
At the end of the day, hallon is for anyone who has to be concious about their budget. With pricing starting at only 99 kr/month (50% off the first three months) you'll be able to find a data plan that suits you for one of the best prices on the market. Depending on your need, the most expensive plan sits at 349 kr/month but gives you 200 TB of data each month.
Get started with Hallon today and check out all of their plans.
2. Vimla!
Best Phone Plan For Students and Seniors
Vimla! is our #2 choice for data plans because of their incredibly competitive pricing. If you are looking to build a plan that fits your needs, especially if you are a student or senior, vimla is definitely the plan for you.
Best For:
From 100 kr/month
Vimla! is a newer swedish telecom provider that has been growing rapidly within the last four to five years. The reason behind this is primarily because of their incredibly competittive pricing and customization - which allows you to choose a plan that fits your needs and circumstances without spending a large amount of money.
Their deals targeted at students and seniors above the age of 55 is also the best on the market, giving you more than enough data every month at a very low price.
Key Features:
The sheer amount of different plans that VImla is offering is a great sign of a good telecom provider. As Vimla let's you customize your specific data plan to your needs, finding the right choice for your budget is simple.
Starting at 100 kr/month for the cheapest option, all the way up to 350 kr/month for the most expensive one. A major bonus however is the deals targeted specifically for students and seniors, as these provide you with additional data for a lower cost.
Get started with Vimla! today and check out all of their plans.
3. Halebop
Best Customer Support
Halebop is the choice for anyone who values customer support over pricing, as they are famous for their happy customer reviews and great customer support. For someone who's less price-sensitive and values great support, halebop should be your #1 choice.
Best For:
Customer Support
From 129 kr/month
Vimla! is a newer swedish telecom provider that has been growing rapidly within the last four to five years. The reason behind this is primarily because of their incredibly competittive pricing and customization - which allows you to choose a plan that fits your needs and circumstances without spending a large amount of money.
Their deals targeted at students and seniors above the age of 55 is also the best on the market, giving you more than enough data every month at a very low price.
Key Features:
Halebop is one of the more well-established telecom providers in Sweden, and have been around for a long time. When taking a closer look at their prices, it's easy to see hat their data plans usually comes at a premium price compared to many other data plans from different providers.
The cheapest plan comes at 125 kr/month with the most expensive option going as far as 429 kr/month which is deffinetley on the more expensive side of the spectrum. Another important fact is that they don't usually run any big promotions, makign it hard to save on any specific deal.
Get started with Halebop today and check out all of their plans.
4. Comviq
Best For International Calls
Comviq is another popular telecom provider in Sweden that has been around for a long time. If you're looking for a flexible data plan for the you or your family, or if you make alot of international calls, comviq might be the right choice for you.
Best For:
International Calls
From 125 kr/month
Comviq offers a broad number of data plans that fits your need, with extra discounts for students and seniors. It's one of the bigger telecom providers in Sweden, that is operating on Tele2's data network, which provides great service across the country.
On top of that, Comviq also provides you with the lowest costs for international calls, which can be great choice for anyone who would like to keep in touch with freinds and family outside of the EU. If you travel alot outside of EU/EES you can also sign up for a apckage which would allow you to surf all over the world with a fixed cost.
Key Features:
As you'll notice, the bigger telecom providers in Sweden usually comes at a higher price point, as they are able to leverage their strong brand recognition. Comviq isno exeption with prices very similiar to that of the other big providers.
Starting at 125 kr/month for 4 GB of data, their smallest plan comes at quite the high price. However, their bigger plans usually comes at a more resonable price in relationship to how much data you get.
Get started with Comviq today and check out all of their plans.
5. Tre
Best Data Plans For Multiple Users
Tre has been around in Sweden for a long time, and has a stong brand recognition on the domestic market - for good reasons. With great reception, support and cusotmizable family packages, it's easy to see why they're so popular.
The one thing that they do exceptionally well is their family packages, which gives you the ability to customize your data plan for more than one person - resulting in a lower cost. Another great option with Tre is their unlimited data package, which is ideal for a larger family subscription.
Key Features:
Compared to some of the smaller telecom operators, Tre's precis is quite expensive with the cheapest plan starting at 199 kr/month for only 5 GB of data. Their most expensive plan is 499/month which gives you unlimited data - great for anyone who relies on their mobile data alot.
One of the biggest pros of Tre is the ability to add a family member or a freind to your current subscription ofr only 99 kr/month, which in turn can drive the cost of the total subscription per person down quite a bit. The same principle could be applied to an entire family, which could save you a lot of money in the long run.
Get started with Tre today and check out all of their plans.
6. Fello
Great Customer Support At a Low Price
Fello is an interesting choice of a low-cost provider. With incredibly compettitive prices, and great reception due to the use of Telias network, Fello could be the right choice for you.
Best For:
Customer Support
From 95 kr/month
Fello is a pretty new provider in Sweden, but has made headlines with their competitive offers and great customer support over the phone. What makes Fello so great is their continued effort into providing you with a clear, fair and competitive plan, and to offer you the best support possible whenever you need it.
The biggest downside with Fello however, is that they only offer you data packages containing up to 22 GBs of surf a month. If you're someone who uses more than this, you might have to stick with a bigger mobile provider.
Key Features:
Fello has positioned itself as a low-cost alternative to many of the bigger telecom providers in Sweden, with their cheapest plan staring at only 95 kr/month and the most expensive plan at 245 kr/month.
Get started with Fello today and check out all of their plans.
7. Telenor
Best Service Portoflio
Telenor is another huge provider with a broad portfolio of services such as mobile data plans, fixed internet, TV and more. Their sheer size and history of the company makes it a reliable provider that you can count on in any situation, but unfortunately this comes at a premium price point.
One of the major advantages towards using Telenor however is to reduce this cost substaintialy by signing up for a package deal - either in terms of several people (family package) or services (service package).
Another big disadvantage that is worth mentioning is that Telenor biggest Data package only includes 22 GB of data a month. If you're someone who uses a lot of data, this amount might be to small for your needs.
Key Features:
Telenor, as I previously mentioned, is a premium telecom provider in Sweden. Compared to most other providers, Telenors prices are quite substaintial. If your decision is largely based on price, Telenor is most likely not the right choice for you.
The cheapest plan starts at a hefty 219 kr/month while the unlimited surf plan comes at 399 kr/month. With less than double the price betwee nunlimited surf and 4 BG a month, Telenor is not for anyone using a very small amount of surf each month,.
Get started with Telenor today and check out all of their plans.
8. Chilimobil
Best Unlimited Surf

Chili is a great choice for anyone with big data needs, as they offer a cheaper alternative for unlimited data.
Best For:
Unlimted Data
From 129 kr/month
ChiliMobil is a smaller provider that utilizes the Tre's network. Their pricing is very competitive, especieally when looking at the more expensive data plans, and espaciually when it comes to unlimited surf. For anyone looking for unlimited data, Chili could very likely be you're best option.
One of the major disadvantages to Chilimobil's plans the inability to save unsused surf for the future. What this means is that any "leftover" data that you have left at any given month will disapear at the start of next month. This is obviously not an issue if you opt in for unlimited surf, but if you don't, it's important to take this into account.
Key Features:
One of Chilis main strengths lie in their very competitive prices, espcially when it comes to their unlimited data package. The cheapest plan starts at 129 kr/month for 6 GB, while the priciest plan (unlimited data) comes at 349 kr/month. Compare this option to other unlimited data packages from other providers and you'll quickly see that Chilis price is the best on the market.
Get started with ChiliMobil today and check out all of their plans.
9. Tele2
Best Flexibility and Choice
Tele2 is another of the gaint providers in Sweden, with a long history of great internet and mobile services tailored to your specific needs.
Best For:
Customer Support
From 219 kr/month
Yes - 30 kr off for 12 months.
Tele2 has a wide variety of data plans that could fit most users. With lighting-fast reception as well as good 5G connection, it's a reliable data provider in most parts of Sweden. Thier network has actually won throphys in the past as Swedens fastes data network.
They also offer a variety of family packages which can be very benefitial in order to lower the overall price of the data package between several users.
Key Features:
Just like many of the other "giants" on this list, the mobile phone packages offered by Tele2 comes at a premium price, which could be a huge downside.
Their smallest package starts at 219 kr/month for 3 GB which is very expensive compared to many other options on this list. They also offer unlimited surf, but this is going to cost you 569 kr/month - which is hte most expensive data plan available on this list. If you'r lookiong for a cheaper option that uses the same network as Tele2, my recommendation would be to go with Comviq isntead.
Get started with Tele2 today and check out all of their plans.
10. Telia
Expensive But Trustworthy
Ask any Swede about their opinion on Telia and they'll give you a variety of answers. As one of the oldest and biggest providers in Sweden, their market share is massive - especiually among the older population. However, the younger genereation has largely moved away form Telias data plans as they are among the most expensive on the market, largely without providing any additional services.
As such, most people chose a cheaper alternative that still uses Telia's data grid, resulting in great reception at a cheaper price point.
Key Features:
To be completely honest, the price's of Telias data plans are quite absurd compared to the rest of the market. Their cheapest plan starts at a modest 129 kr/month, however, this only gives you 0.3 GB of data which is probobly less then you'll need to stream a video. However, their more premum packages ranges up towards 659 kr/month.
Get started with Telia today and check out all of their plans.
How to Choose the Right Mobile Data Provider For You
When looking for a mobile data provider in Sweden, it's important to consider what type of plan is best for you. There are several factors that you should be considering before making a decision.
Data Usage
The most important factor to take into consideration is the amount of data you'll be needed each month, as most people use their phone primarily to access the internet in one way or the other. Almost all of the mobile plan providers in Sweden offers unlimited calls and text messages, making this less important than the data usage.
If you're someone who doesn't use their phone a large amount on a monthly basis a cheaper more basic plan might suit you. If you are someone who likes to stream videos on your phone through applications such as YouTube and Netflix, you'll need a bigger data plan in order to not exceed this limit.
How much surf do I need?
Everyone's needs will be different, and as previously stated, it can vary widely depending on how you're using your phone. Here is what you can do with roughly 10 GBs of data:
- 10 hours of streaming videos.
- 50 hours of streaming music.
- 80 hours of surfing the web.
Another important factor to consider is the mobile coverage in your area. Make sure you check out the maps of each provider to see which one has the best coverage where you live, as this will be a key deciding factor for many people.
In Sweden ther are four primary mobile networks run by the "big four" providers Telia, Tele2, Telenor and Tre. When looking at the total coverage across Sweden, Telias network has recieved the best rank according to p3 Connect Mobile Benchmark, with Tele2's network as a close second.
See the images below for a better visual representation of the different mobile networks in Sweden:
Telia Network Coverage

Telenor Network Coverage

Tele2 Network Coverage

Tre Network Coverage

Of course, you'll also need to consider how much you're willing to spend on your mobile data plan. All of the providers in Sweden offer competitive prices, but it's important that you find one that suits your budget and meets your needs in terms of data usage and coverage.
Wrapping Up
There you have it - our list of the top mobile data plans in Sweden. There are more options than what I have presented in this list, but we've tried to condese the entire list into the top 10 choices that can fit anyones needs.
- If you are looking for the best data plan overall, I'd recommend you get started with Hallon.
- If you are looking for the cheapest plan possible (that still provides reasonable amount of data) your best choice is Femla
- If you are looking for a data plan with unlimited surd, your best choice is Telenor.